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School Choice - Milwaukee

Milwaukee is #1 in the nation for the percentage of its children accessing private and faith-based schools using public funding provided by the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program.  The bold leadership of Milwaukee is having a life-changing impact on thousands of children locally and is setting an example for others to follow throughout the U.S.!

Milwaukee is one of the largest metropolitan areas where school choice has been implemented during the last 30 years.

School choice in Milwaukee is both effective and efficient generating far more ‘high quality seats per tax dollar’ than the local public system.  A big win for children, for parents and for taxpayers!

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It Works For Parents



It Works For Students


Parental Choice students achieve over 50% more learning per taxpayer dollar. 

MPCP 2017-2018 ROI compared to MPS

WI school report card average points 67.91 61.07
State investment per member $7,853 $10,588
Accountability points per $1,000 investment 8.65 5.77


*Accountability points are calculated by dividing the state investment per member by the report card average points. This gives us an accurate measure of the ROI on tax dollars invested into each type of school system.

Source: School Choice Wisconsin

It Works For Schools


Funding vs. quality of education

  • The highest percentage of quality seats in Milwaukee is Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) and charter schools.
  • Definition of a quality seat: A school that is rated 4 or 5 on the Department of Public Instruction School Report Card (schools are rated on a scale of 1-5)
  • Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) delivers the greatest number of quality seats with the least amount of funding.



Source: MMAC data